Unlimited Web Hosting: Is It True or Just a Myth?

Unlimited Web Hosting: Is It True or Just a Myth?

Recently, the number of web hosting providers promoting unlimited web hosting services has increased.

So what do they mean with unlimited hosting?

For any hosting expert, unlimited web hosting implies that the customer will enjoy

  • Unlimited storage space
  • Unlimited bandwidth
  • Unlimited resource usage

Whether starting a blog or migrating your site to another host, you’ve to consider the storage, bandwidth, and resource usage provided by your host. Failure to do so and you will run into problems later.

It’ll be worse if your money-back guarantee has expired because you’ll have to put up with poor hosting services or spend more to migrate.

So, what should you be aware of about unlimited web hosting?

Before we proceed, we’ll explain what we are referring to when we say unlimited.

Unlimited storage space

Unlimited storage space, sometimes called disk space, allows you to host unlimited files on your web server. It’s essential for any dynamic website.

Any site requiring users to upload their files requires a web hosting provider that allows for unlimited disk space or storing many files within your web server.

Unlimited bandwidth 

Unlimited bandwidth, also known as unlimited data transfer, will guarantee that your website will not be affected if you experience frequent visits.

For instance, if one of your content on your website becomes viral and you’re now receiving thousands of people visiting your site, Your website will not crash because of small bandwidth.

The truth about unlimited web hosting 

To understand unlimited web hosting, you’ve to ask the right questions. Unfortunately, most hosting companies will just share with you the terms and conditions, which rarely highlights the truth.

So, is there any unlimited hosting?

To understand this, consider this scenario.

While it’s assumed that the sun’s energy is inexhaustible, it’s also believed to die in a trillion years. Scientists also expect it to die within 5 billion years.

While the sun’s energy might be unlimited, none of us will live long enough to witness it explode or die.

And web hosting companies use the same principle.

When they say unlimited web hosting, all they mean is there’s so much that you won’t be able to use it all. The number of files stored on your server, bandwidth consumed, and resource usage is to the point that it appears as if you’re unlimited. 

However, most hosting companies have a set upper limit. Only that most of us never use a lot of resources, hence end up believing we’ve unlimited web hosting.

Unlimited hosting has less impact on the volume of traffic your site receives and is more related to your resources. This is especially true if you’re on shared hosting. Your website, from a server administration viewpoint, is viewed concerning:

  • Quantity of CPU use
  • The amount of RAM used
  • The stress your website is putting on your server and so on

This is easily controlled by improving or using caching on your site.

For instance, any WordPress blog can benefit from using a cache plugin such as WP rocket and a CDN to reduce server load significantly. Changing your nameservers to the Cloudflare CDN will block bad bots, reducing server usage.

So, if you’re looking for an unlimited hosting plan, consider using unlimited storage and bandwidth. Also, you must be aware of the fair usage policy of the web hosting company.

Most of these hosting providers have strict guidelines for their TOS and a set of guidelines for backing up their unlimited plans, so nobody “misuses” it.

Let’s discuss one of the most popular hosting companies’ limits to “unlimited” hosting usage.

Bluehost Unlimited Policies

Bluehost is one of the most popular options for WordPress hosting. Its recommended by WordPress as among the best.

Here are some of the limitations of their unlimited hosting plans.

  • The INodes limit is 50K/200k.
  • Bluehost unlimited bandwidth is unlimited if only you adhere to fair use rules
  • Limiting CPU use for more than 5 minutes is impossible within an hour.

Other terms to take note of.

Unlimited Domain Hosting

One of the rarely known terms.

If you purchase any unlimited domain hosting, it implies that you’ll be able to host unlimited websites in your hosting plan. Shared hosting providers such as Hostpinnacle provide unlimited domain hosting.

It’s also referred to as unlimited website hosting. If you’re choosing a web hosting company, select unlimited hosting.

If you plan to host only one site in this case, only one domain hosting will be the right option.

Hostpapa’s shared hosting, the business plan, is an ideal option. It offers a free domain, unlimited hosting, and unlimited hosting space.

Unlimited Databases

If you build a static website, you’ll require unlimited databases.

WordPress blogs require MySQL databases. You’ll need a hosting service provider that allows more than 2 MySQL databases to host your site successfully. This will help you integrate a community into your site.

Unlimited FTP Users

Having unlimited FTP users helps if you decide to outsource the work of your site.

All you’ve to do is create an additional FTP user with custom access rights. However, ensure that unlimited hosting providers are not duping you with unlimited. Most of the time, you won’t be able to use the entire storage as it’s in terabytes.

Unlimited hosting final thoughts

It’s always an excellent idea to go for unlimited hosting over limited hosting when purchasing a hosting package for your site.

This is a crucial fact to be aware of for any shared hosting customer. This guide should be shared with your friends on Facebook or Twitter and inform your friends about the reality of “unlimited” hosting companies.

Also, check out the best SSD hosting providers in 2022

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