Linux Web Hosting: 3 Reasons It’s the Preferred Choice

Linux web hosting is a type of online server that may be accessed by any company or individual. It is the most affordable web hosting option for small businesses. It is user-friendly, has uptime monitoring, and many companies allow their experts to share the hosting tool based on their needs. Linux web hosting is a type of shared hosting that can be shared among numerous servers.

Why Linux Web Hosting is preferred

Web hosting companies such as Bluehost favor Linux technology over the more restrictive Windows platform because it allows for more customization in server capabilities and user preferences.

  • Because of its open-source basis, Linux is the most popular operating system. Code in open-source systems can be freely modified and disseminated.
  • cPanel is frequently used by Linux users to manage web development chores. Although some service providers integrate cPanel, it is a third-party application.
  • Windows and Linux share many features and are compatible with the majority of important tasks.

Few web hosting companies provide Windows-based hosting, and those that do demand a higher monthly rate than those that do not. Windows has always suffered from stability as a hosting platform, although current updates to the software put it on a par with Linux.

Features of Linux Web Hosting

1.Control Panel – The heart of your website. You can basically do everything in a Control Panel, abbreviated as CP. When you sign up for a hosting service, you should be given a control panel to administer your web space.

2.POP3 email ids and aliases – an example POP3 ID is For better mail administration, you should be given a sufficient number of POP3 email addresses based on the size of your package.

3. FTP Accounts & Virtual FTP – This is your online folder where you can upload, remove, and update your stuff. Make sure you have a few FTP sub-accounts to provide password-protected directories to your clients/users. This is incredibly beneficial because your clients/users can utilize FTP to upload/download content from password-protected directories.

4.Backup – Most reputable web hosting companies use automated backups. Make this a point to consider when selecting a hosting plan.

5. Web Statistics – Assume your website has just been launched and you have NIL or MORE than 100 visitors per day. In any event, visitor analysis is critical to the performance of your website. The Statistics Application, which runs in the server backend, can be used to view the Report.

6. Bandwidth – Select a web hosting package that provides adequate bandwidth for your website. Even if you can’t tell at first, you can simply compute the bandwidth needed as time goes on.

7. PHP & MySQL Support – PHP & MySQL are supported by all Linux plans. When you acquire a hosting plan, make sure you get this for free. Some hosting providers may charge an additional fee for MySQL database support and PhpMyAdmin.

8. Webmail & SMTP – Once you start your website, email becomes an important aspect of your life. Check to see if your web hosting provider offers WEBMAIL ( for checking your emails via a web interface using Squirrelmail or Horde. Corporate users prefer to download emails using email clients like Eudora or Outlook Express. This option is only available if SMTP or IMAP support is enabled. As a result, check to see if SMTP functionality is available.

9.Spam Assassin – No email subscriber is immune to spam attacks. As a result, Spam Filters must be installed on the server where your website is hosted.

10. IP – If your website requires SSL support (HTTPS ://), get a DEDICATED IP address. The majority of the websites are hosted on shared IP addresses. Enquire with your web hosting provider about the additional costs associated with obtaining a dedicated IP address and SSL support. Please keep in mind that SSL (HTTPS ://) requires the purchase of a Digital Certificate.

Popular Linux hosting options

Because Linux web hosting options abound, it can be difficult to identify the best provider. The finest Linux web hosting choice is determined by your individual requirements. For example, if you simply require a limited amount of bandwidth, you can select a low-cost provider with scalable packages. For their pricing structures, providers frequently consider web traffic, RAM, and disk space.

When looking for a new provider, consider the following Linux web hosting options:


linux webhosting siteground

SiteGround is a good pick because of its various bundles. If SiteGround does not have a plan that meets your requirements, the developers offer the option of creating a custom hosting package from scratch. The cheapest monthly subscription from the company offers a lot for a low price: free daily backups, unlimited emails and databases, cPanel, SSL encryption, and HTTP/2-enabled servers. In addition, technical help is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


linux webhosting hostinger

Hostinger is a low-cost web hosting alternative for Linux designers and developers. The most basic package includes 10GB of storage and 100GB of bandwidth per month. Hostinger provides access to the cPanel interface, which has several customization possibilities. The organization provides live chat help 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


linux web hosting inmotion

 InMotion was designed to help folks who are new to Linux hosting. All of its packages include website builders, website migration, and daily backups. CentOS, Ubuntu, and Debian are among the operating systems that can be customized. InMotion offers round-the-clock customer service.

Windows vs. Linux hosting

Comparing performance, stability, security, and simplicity of use will not tell you which platform is superior. The type of files and functionality that many web administrators intend to employ is the primary reason they choose Linux as a web hosting platform. If a website employs ASP,.NET, Microsoft Access, or Microsoft SQL Server files; it must be hosted on the Windows platform.

On a Linux-based web host, all other file kinds – PHP, Perl, WordPress, MySQL, and so on – run considerably more easily. These files are still served by a Windows web host, but the Linux platform is specifically engineered to operate with these data formats.

Both platforms continue to use HTML files and interpret them in the same way. Thus most conventional websites will function normally. The only difference between utilizing Linux and Windows is a few file types. However, in terms of cost, Linux web hosting is the most popular alternative among web hosting providers.

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