Shine Ranker Review: Best Keyword Tracker to Hit the Market?

What is Shine Ranker?

ShineRanker is a brand-new seo tool for keyword research that will assist you in finding keywords that are relevant to your company. 

This new seo tool was developed by Chase Reiner, who has been in the business for more than seven years, and it doesn’t need any problematic inputs! It is possible to use Shine Ranker immediately after subscribing by clicking the icon on their site. 

Shine Ranker is a tool for finding keywords used by bloggers and SEO professionals to identify appropriate keywords for their websites or blogs. 

Firstly, it operates in two phases: you input keywords relevant to your blog’s subject. Then, it scans its database, looking for terms people are searching for when browsing these websites before deciding on which ideas should be added to the list to ensure that you don’t be missing anything vital!

A brief history of Chase Reiner

Chase Reiner started doing SEO some time ago, after leaving college in the desire to earn money online.

Over the last 7 years of his career, he’s spent his time helping businesses and SEO professionals understand SEO and marketing. Chase earns more than 400k per year online, and Shine Ranker is an SEO tool designed to help each company make the same kind of profit.

With more than 8600 completed projects and the highest-rated SEO CONSULTANT on GOOGLE and is determined to bring you the most comprehensive collection of SEO resources and tools.

How does Shine Ranker work?

Shine ranker is a complete seo tool that can automatically audit your website. With the shine ranker tool, you can;

  • Track keywords
  • perform  keyword research
  • Map keywords
  • Identify current keyword and their rankings
  • Perform site audits
  • Create content such as  articles and blog posts
  • Optimize content 
  • Assign  content writers for associated keywords

Shine Ranker can assist you in getting your site ranked on Google and earning money through it. It is a tool designed to remove the useless technicalities of the existing tools.

Who is Shine Ranker for?

Shine Rank Keyword Research Tool

By using the seo keywords you discovered from other websites that are on the first page of Google that you would like to rank for, this software lets you conduct further search engine optimization.

It will identify all keywords you can achieve while also showing the results of the competition, monthly searches, and the bid for new keywords.

You can look up the difficulty level for keywords, and the tool tells you if the keywords are difficult, medium, or easy to rank. It will also tell you how many websites include keywords in their titles. 

The lower the amount of keywords in your title, the more likely it is for you to appear at the top of the list in the event that you include keywords within your name.

How to find low competition keywords

Here you’ll find the title check based on various generated keywords. Input the keyword search or topics you want to see or achieve a high rank. It may be yours, or it could be a different company.

Checking keyword difficulty

  • For Keyword Research, click on Select All and then select the Check Difficulty of Keywords You Have Selected.
  • The program will then execute the “intitle search operator.” It will connect to Google using each keyword and search intitle: “social media marketing.” 

If there are very few websites with keywords in their titles, there is a good chance that the keywords will be easy to be ranked for.

It is possible to include easily-to-find difficulty keywords that you can monitor your dashboard.

What is the Best Thing About Shine Ranker Tool?

Shine Ranker Shine Audit

performing seo audits for a website is one of the core tasks of a seo expert. It is possible to determine whether you have websites that rank for these keywords based on your current keywords.

 By entering your website’s URL into the search box for shine audit, you can improve the performance of these pages. This will help you identify any issues you may have with your site’s pages.

Have a look at an audit I did on

The process is thorough in that the tool will show the keywords your website is ranking for and scores and show you what you need to optimize for in reds and greens. Reds are the ones that need to be addressed, and those highlighted greens are within an acceptable range.

Shine ranker review: Keyword competitor

This tool compares your keywords or how you fare with your competitors.  You can use it to find the keyword your competitor is ranking for and you dont rank for. Let’s take the example of two websites.

Image of a competitor with two competitors

You can see what the competitor is ranking for, and you dont rank. This should give you a bunch of keyword ideas to target. It’s a pretty simple tool to use to carry out competition analysis.

Shine Ranker Content Editor: Outsourcing content

Next is how to outsource content after doing the keyword research. If you don’t have any writers, you can click manage and add writers.

Image of sharing outsourcing content

All you’ve to do after adding the writers is click the keywords and clock the writer to assign the easy keywords. If you dont have any writers, you can find quality writers from either Fiverr or Upwork.

With this tool, multiple writers can work on different tasks simultaneously. Furthermore, it can be done without you having to share your login details. All you have to do is click the share dashboard button, copy the url and email it to your content writer.

Shine Ranker’s Content Editor is the ideal tool to create SEO-friendly content that gets higher rankings with ease!

With its highly effective metrics and user-friendly interface, you’ll be able to create content that surpasses your competition within minutes!

Shine ranker traffic checker

Are you thinking of stealing your competitor’s traffic?

The shine ranker traffic checker lets you know the most visited pages on your competitor’s websites. You can use this information to make a move to get their top spot.

Input into the Url of your competition to discover what they’re trying to achieve.

Shine ranker keyword tracker

Rank Tracker lets you determine what keywords a website is being ranked for. It will display the various keywords that could be used to conduct competitor analysis.

How much is ShineRanker?

Two subscription plans are currently available. Subscription plans are available on a monthly or yearly basis. The monthly subscription plan costs $75, while the yearly subscription plan costs $750.

However, he is currently running a full-year offer for around $297, so click on the button below f you want to check it out. Shine Ranker is available for free for 10 days before you subscribe.

Best Shine Ranker alternatives


Ahrefs is the most effective website auditing tool that you’ve ever seen! It includes everything you require to maintain your SEO well-maintained.

Site Audit can identify any issue on your website, and Alerts will inform you when new backlinks have been released or are lost or Ahrefs. Keywords Rankings List tells you which websites rank on the other side in search results for terms related to yours.

We also have an extremely powerful web crawler that lists every web link on the internet to help you determine which links are linked to your rivals but not to your site.


If you’re on a budget, you could consider buying Semrush.

Your website wants to be ranked highly on Google; however, you don’t have the time or knowledge to determine how to get there.

You’ll need a trusted partner who will provide professional advice and the most innovative features available.

SEMrush is the right service for you- it has all the services you need, from research on keywords to competitor tracking to auditing websites and backlink analysis! Plus, SEMrush offers an open pricing structure, so there aren’t any hidden costs.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find out my SEO score?

It is now easy to accomplish this task and rectify any issues your site might be experiencing with this tool to determine your rank. It will provide you with an in-depth analysis and tell you how to fix the issue.

What are the most important SEO ranking elements?

You’ll need to pay attention to low competition keywords for better rankings on Google, and this tool will help you identify those keywords.

What is a great SEO score?

any score above 80 is considered excellent for SEO. The range of scores indicates that your website meets the highest standards of quality for SEO techniques and user experience, optimization of content, and mobile optimization.

Does SEO position your content?

Optimized content can get your site ranked on Google. This is the reason why you have to make use of the top tools available to achieve this.

Should I buy the shine ranker seo tool?

Shine Ranker is an excellent method of building the list of keywords you want to use in your SEO campaign.

It will help you find low-competition, high-search volume keywords ideal for beginning your journey into organic marketing.

You can open a new free account and then utilize their tool for recommending keywords to find out what’s hot in your field.

The user-friendly interface lets you sort by topic or type of expression, so you know precisely where to in your search for an advertiser searching for new clients on the web today.

Sign up today and be prepared to dominate by making use of a powerful keyword tool ShineRanker SEO.

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